Na o le sefululua fesili e te taliina e lelei le A.A. mo oe? Na o oe lava e te filifili pe e te fia taumafai mo le A.A. pe e te iloa e fesoasoani ia te oe. O matou o loo i totonu o le A.A. na ala ona matou iai ona ua le mafaia ona faatonutonu le tagofia o le ava. O loo iai lava le inoino ia te i matou e tautino ai e le i mafaia lava ona matou inu e aunoa ma se faalavelave. Ona matou logotala lea mai isi sui o auai o le A.A. o matou ua gasegase ( Sa iai lava si masalosaloga i le tele o tausaga). Na matou iloa mulimuli ane e tele lava tagata faapea sa faaletonu mai i ia lagona o le maasiasi male leai o se faamoemoe e pei o matou. Na matou filifili ia taumafai ia fesagai lava male mea ua faia e le ava malosi ia i matou. O nai fesili nein a matou taumafai e taliina male faamaoni. Afai matou te tali IOE i le fa fesili poo le sili atu foi, lona uiga ua tele le faaletonu i la matou inu. Taumafai ane pe faapefea oe. Ia manatua, e leai se faalumaina i le tautino o le mea moni o iai ou faafitauli.
1. Sa iai sau filifiliga o le a tuu lau inu i se vaiaso se tasi pe a, ae uma ane na o le lua aso?
O le toatele o matou i le A.A. sa faia le mau folafolaga ia i matou ma o matou aiga. E lei mafai ona matou savavali ai. Ona matou o mai lea i le A.A. Na fai mai le A.A. “Taumafai e aua e te tagofia le ava i le aso.”. Afai ete le tagofia le ava i le aso, e le mafai ona ona i le aso)
2. Ete manao i tagata e aua le aia mai fua latou i lau inu- aua le toe fai mai ia te oe i le mea e te faia?I totonu o le A.A. matou te le faatonuina se isi i le mea e tatau ona fai. Pau lava le mea e fai o le talanoa lava o matou ia i le matou tagofia o le ava, o faafitauli na matou iai, ae pe faapefea ona matou tuua lea mea. Matou te fiafia tele e fesoasoani atu, pe afai e te finagalo ai.
3. Pes a fesuisuiai au pia ma le faamoemoe o le a taofia ai lou tagofia o le ava malosi?
Sa matou taumafai i soo se ituaiga auala. Sa sui faavaivai mea inu. Poo le inu na o le pia. Poo le le tagofia foi o koketeli. Poo le inu tau lava o faaiuga o vaiaso. Faamalu uma mai mea ia, ae sa matou taumafaia uma lava nei mea. Afai na matou tagofia soo se taumafa o iai le ava malosi i totonu e masani lava ona matou onana ai.
4. E masani ona e inu e tau faapupula ai ou mata i le tausaga ua mavae? E te manaomia se pia e tau amata ai, poo le tau taofia ai o le to’a? o se faailoga lea e tau mai ai e le o oe se tagata e inu ona o le fia “tafao”.
5. E te inoino i tagata e inu ae le oo lava latou i se faalavelave?
I le tele lava o taimi, matou te manatu ai pe aisea e le pei ai matou o le toatele o tagata, e mafai ona inu ma mafai ona tuu.
6. Sa iai ni ou faafitauli e fesootai male taumafa ava malosi i le tausaga ua mavae? Ia faamaoni! Fai mai fomai afai e iai sou faafitauli i le ava malosi ae inu lava, o le a faatuputeleina le leaga- e le toe lelei. Mautinoa a le oti , O le a e iu i se isi faalapotopotoga i lou olaga atoa. Pau le faamoemoe o le tuu o le inu.
7. Sa tupu mai se faalavelave i lou aiga ona o lou taumafa ava?
Ae matou te lei o mai le A.A. o le tele lava o matou na faapea o tagata poo faafitauli i le aiga na afua ai ona tagofia le ava malosi. Matou te le I iloa lava o le tagofia o le ava ua leaga ai mea uma. E le i mafai ona foia ai le mau faafitauli soo se mea ma soo se taimi.
8. E masani ona e taumafai ia maua ni au pia faasili se pati ona e le lava pia o loo ia te oe?
O le toatele o matou e masani ona amata i nai pia laiti ae le i amata pe iloa o le a lea ituaiga pati. Afai o le a le vave le faasolo mai o pia, e sili ai le alu ise isi mea e maua ai le tele o pia.
9. E masani ona e tau ia te oe lava ia e mafai ona e taofia lau inu I soo se taimi lava e te manao ai, e tusa lava pe ona soo ae le o mafaufauina? O le tele o matou e faatamaiti lava i le manatu e ala ona matou onana ona matou te manao iai. Ina ua matou o mai i le A.A. na matou maua ai o le taimi lava na amata ai ona tago i le ava e lei toe mafai ona taofi.
10. Na misia ni ou aso faigaluega poo le a’oga ona o le tagofia o le ava? O le tele o matou ua tautino lava e masani ona telefoni e faanoi ma’I ile tele o taimi ae o le mea moni sa matou tata’a ma onana.
11. E masani ona e “leiloa se mea”? O le leiloa o se mea o le inu lea i le tele o itula poo aso ae matou te le manatua. Ina ua matou o mai i le A.A. na matou maua ai o le faailoga mautinoa lenei o le tagata ai ava le tapasaina.
12. E iai se taimi na e lagona ai ai lava se manaia o lou olaga pe ana e le inu pia?
O i e toatele o matou sa amata tagofia le ava malosi ona sa lelei ai le olaga, mo se taimi puupuu. I le taimi ua matou ulufale mai i le A.A. na iloa ai e pei ua maileia i matou. Na matou inu ia ola, ma ola ia inu. Na matou mama’I ma vaivai i le mama’I soo.
O le a lau sikoa?
Na e tali IOE faafa poo le sili atu foi? Afai o lea, e leiloa poo ua tele ou faafitauli i le ava malosi. Aisea e ala ai ona matou fai atu nei mea? Leaga o upu ia a le afe ma afe o tagata sa i le A.A. i le tele o tausaga. Ua latou maua le mea moni ia I latou lava- i auala faigata.
Ae peitai na o oe lava e te filifili pe lelei le A.A. mo oe. Ia taumafai e tatala lou mafaufau i le mataupu nei. Afai o le tali o le IOE matou te fiafia e faailoa atu ia te oe pe faapefea ona taofi le matou tagofia o le ava malosi. Telefoni mai.
E le tauto atu le A.A. na te faia uma ou faafitauli o le olaga nei. Ae matou te fia faailoa atu pe faapefea ona matou ola i aso taitasi e aunoa male tagofia o le ava malosi. Ua matou aloese mai le ipu pia muamua. Afai e leai se ipu pia muamua, e leai foi se ipu lona sefulu. Ae afai o le a tiai le inu pia e mautinoa o le a maua se olaga o le a faatonutonugofie.
Pule o le Lomiga @ 1973 & 2008
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc
P.O Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
O le tusiga aloaia lenei a le Koneferenisi o Auaunaga Lautele a le AA.
Only you can decide whether you want to give A.A. a try — whether you think it can help you. We who are in A.A. came because we finally gave up trying to control our drinking. We still hated to admit that we could never drink safely. Then we heard from other A.A. members that we were sick. (We thought so for years!) We found out that many people suffered from the same feelings of guilt and loneliness and hopelessness that we did. We found out that we had these feelings because we had the disease of alcoholism.
We decided to try to face up to what alcohol had done to us. Here are some of the questions we tried to answer honestly. If we answered YES to four or more questions, we were in deep trouble with our drinking. See how you do. Remember, there is no disgrace in facing up to the fact that you have a problem.
1. Have you ever decided to stop drinking for a week or so, but only lasted for a couple of days?
Most of us in A.A. made all kinds of promises to ourselves and to our families. We could not keep them. Then we came to A.A. A.A. said: “Just try not to drink today.” (If you do not drink today, you cannot get drunk today.)
2. Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drinking —stop telling you what to do? In A.A. we do not tell anyone to do anything. We just talk about our own drinking, the trouble we got into, and how we stopped. We will be glad to help you, if you want us to.
3. Have you ever switched from one kind of drink to another in the hope that this would keep you from getting drunk? We tried all kinds of ways. We made our drinks weak. Or just drank beer. Or we did not drink cocktails. Or only drank on weekends. You name it, we tried it. But if we drank anything with alcohol in it, we usually got drunk eventually.
4. Have you had to have an eye-opener upon awakening during the past year? Do you need a drink to get started, or to stop shaking? This is a pretty sure sign that you are not drinking “socially.”
5. Do you envy people who can drink without getting into trouble? At one time or another, most of us have wondered why we were not like most people, who really can take it or leave it.
6. Have you had problems connected with drinking during the past year? Be honest! Doctors say that if you have a problem with alcohol and keep on drinking, it will get worse — never better. Eventually, you will die, or end up in an institution for the rest of your life. The only hope is to stop drinking.
7. Has your drinking caused trouble at home? Before we came into A. A., most of us said that it was the people or problems at home that made us drink. We could not see that our drinking just made everything worse. It never solved problems anywhere or anytime.
8. Do you ever try to get “extra” drinks at a party because you do not get enough? Most of us used to have a “few” before we started out if we thought it was going to be that kind of party. And if drinks were not served fast enough, we would go someplace else to get more.
9. Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking any time you want to, even though you keep getting drunk when you don’t mean to? Many of us kidded ourselves into thinking that we drank because we wanted to. After we came into A. A., we found out that once we started to drink, we couldn’t stop.
10. Have you missed days of work or school because of drinking? Many of us admit now that we “called in sick” lots of times when the truth was that we were hungover or on a drunk.
11. Do you have “blackouts”? A “blackout” is when we have been drinking hours or days which we cannot remember. When we came to A.A., we found out that this is a pretty sure sign of alcoholic drinking.
12. Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not drink? Many of us started to drink because drinking made life seem better, at least for a while. By the time we got into A.A., we felt trapped. We were drinking to live and living to drink. We were sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Did you answer YES four or more times? If so, you are probably in trouble with alcohol. Why do we say this? Because thousands of people in AA have said so for many years. They found out the truth about themselves – the hard way. But again, only you can decide whether you think AA is for you. Try to keep an open mind on the subject. If the answer is YES, we will be glad to show you how we stopped drinking ourselves.
Just call. AA does not promise to solve your life’s problems. But we can show you how we are learning to live without drinking “one day at a time.” We stay away from that “first drink.” If there is no first one, there cannot be a tenth one. And when we got rid of alcohol, we found that life became much more manageable.
Copyright © 2016 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
The AA Preamble, How it Works, Is AA for Me? The 12 steps and 12 traditions, the book Alcoholics Anonymous are all copyrighted material
by AA General Service Office (G.S.O.) of Alcoholics Anonymous.
The Samoan language translations done by AA members here and Samoa in cooperation with the AA General Service Office in Australia.